not since Fans vs. Favorites have we seen a "deserving" winner take the title of Sole Survivor. now don't get me wrong, if you make it to the finals you deserve something. no way in hell could i last that long without brushing my teeth, but when i say "deserving" i mean someone who took control of their own game. made their own decisions. had a key role in them being there. We've seen Bob who made it to the end because of his strong alliance. Sandra because she was weak and they could all beat her in a final challenge. Natalie because Russell told her what to do, JT because he was just so well liked.. I want to see a Stephen, a Russell, a Parvati (again) take home the win.
I wouldn't be disappointed if Sash won. From the beginning of this game Sash was 1/2 of the power couple calling all the shots. But all good things must come to an end and what goes up must come down and Sash's empire came crumbling down at final 9. His ability to go from the top of the food chain all the way to the bottom then make his way slowly back up the line makes him a deserving winner in my eyes... but he's made about 47 empty promises so its doubtful they'll reward him with the win....
Dan is one of those people who should never win the game of Survivor. He's pretty entertaining but he's entertaining because he sucks. He's kinda like Sandra or Bob. He only made it as far as he did because he had an alliance who protected him and he outlasted his alliance because he's so incredibly weak that the rest of the Libertad tribe knows they can beat him. I expect to see Dan in the final 3 but it'll be a miracle if he actually wins.
Holly turned on her ally on day one to keep herself in the game longer and its been a consistent game play from her ever since. She broke down in episode 2 (which i LOVED) threw away her tribes food, destroyed their belongings and threatened to quit the game. She got lucky when her tribe won an immunity challenge and staged a complete turn around. After a tribal swap she saw the opportunity to once again stay in the game and turned on those she was close to. She was the one behind Sash's downfall and Brenda's ouster, ultimately eliminating the biggest threat in the game and knocking the next biggest competitor off his pedastal down to the bottom of the totem pole. She's voted them out with a smile on her face and everyone loves her. She's the mother of the camp. She's more of the wicked stepmother only they don't know it. She serves them potroast marinated in toxins. & that kind of game play and ability to stay under the radar without staying under the radar so to speak is what makes her a HUGE threat to win this game. And in my opinion she truly deserves it. But with her cocky attitude at the last tribal council and that smug little "yeah" she gave when asked if she was in charge may come back to haunt her.... we'll see.
Fabio is another Sandra. He's so likable by fans that a lot of people are blinded by his likability. yeah, i like him. He's funny, but does he deserve a million dollars? no. his game is horrible. He's said on more than one occasion that his naivety is an act. its not an act. If Fabio was actually a smart player and he was pretending to be dumb he would not have voted with Shannon. He would not have aligned with Marty or Dan. He wouldn't have been out of the loop with Benry's elimination. Fabio is not pretending to be stupid. Fabio IS stupid. He's made it to the final 5 out of pure luck and because his competitors decided on their own to vote someone else out instead and he won an immunity idol. he didn't do anything to keep them from voting him out or get to this point. He made it to final 5 based on pure luck. Will he win? i think he can beat Chase, i think he can beat Dan & i think he can beat Sash... so yeah, its possible. Will he get to the final 3? doubtful... but there's 2 more immunity challenges so he might.
There is no doubt in my mind Chase will be in the final 3. He's the one person that i can say with absolute certainty will be there. I'm not sure why, I just believe he will. He's the Colby, the Mick, the JT, he's the all american. He has finalist written all over him before the show ever even made it to air. Will he win? He's too indecisive. He made an alliance with Shannon, turned on him for Brenda, turned on her for Jane, turned on her for Holly... He'll flub worse than Amanda Kimmel could ever even imagine during jury pleas. He'll finish 3rd this season. I can't see him being able to convince anyone as to why he should win. I suspect it to go something along the lines of "i played hard and i did it for my father. i'll donate some to charity" He's pretty much guaranteed Na Onka & Jane's vote but i'm willing to bet he'll find a way to screw that up.
There is an NFL Double Header tonight on CBS so the finale may be airing late so set your DVR's accordingly...
whats your thoughts?
who do you want to see win?
who do you think deserves to win?
who will win the Sprint fan favorite? - (i think Jane)
and don't forget the first look at the season 22 will also be shown tonight!!