Since Russell is the newest to play the game out of the two i'll start with Rob:
Rob was on season 4 and he performed amazing!... amazingly poor that is! he laid around on the beach all day with Sarah and had this genius idea to create a hot tub out of the raft. in episode two the cast had to bob for fafaru (basically spoiled fish is what it was) and eat it.. if memory serves me correct he completely bombed & lost that challenge for his tribe. in fact his tribe lost all but one challenge pre-merge & he was a pre jury boot. nothing really that great about him stood out.
then came All Stars... All Stars happened about 3 years too early in my opinion. Season 10 should have been All Stars. there weren't enough great people to make up an All Star cast... thus leading to the casting of folks like Rob, Shii Ann, Amber, Big Tom, Alicia... & because all of those people were either weak, stupid or did poorly on their original season they were not seen as a t
Heroes Vs. Villains... apparently falling head over heels for a girl in a bikini & lying to Lex makes you a villain. So instead of Shane Powers, instead of Jonny Fairplay, instead of Todd Herzog (who is arguably the biggest mastermind to EVER play the game) Rob gets cast. Rob has a 7-3 majority alliance. he's destined to win this season. he has weak ass courtney, weak ass sandra in his alliance. everyone hates Parvati.. he has the majority on his side. no way he can lose... well he lost. not only does he lose (and is once again a pre-jury boot) he passes out and begins crying (right after making fun of Coach for crying, i might add) and gets water! seriously! they give this cry baby water! he refused to search for a hidden immunity idol because they weren't in the game when he played the first time.. well guess what Rob, the game has changed. you either adapt or you get voted out.. if you were a good player you would have adapted, and not gotten voted out! your loss.
Russell started on Survivor Samoa. He made an alliance with EVERY SINGLE PERSON on his tribe. they knew about it. when one
unlike some other folks (sandra, danielle, candice, rob...) Russell earned his spot on Heroes Vs Villains. (note: wtf was Cirie doing on the heroes tribe?) and went from a 3 person minority alliance all the way to the final 3 once again... with one of the members of his minority alliance! and once again he told lie after lie after lie and they believed him each one. Sandra swore up and down all the way to Jesus & back she would never vote with him.. yet she did, week after week. How are people so stupid to not get rid of him! granted they didn't see him play in Samoa so he wasn't a target right away but by week 3 he was on everyone's radar & still finished as a finalist for the million dollars.
which leads me to Redemption Island...
i'd love to say they'd be a fool to keep Russell around.. but he's proven time and time again he knows how to make a fool of someone so i wouldn't be surprised to see him go far in this game again. Will he make it to final tribal council? ... eh, i don't think they're that big of fools (or atleast i hope not) Rob will more than likely perform mediocre at challenges and stay somewhere in the middle. not the biggest threat, not the weakest link so he'll go pretty far. especially if he makes the merge. once it becomes an individual game.. lets not kid ourselves, i've already provided you with the facts.. he sucks. so he'll go even further. kinda like Uncle Dan in Nicaragua. He's someone you can beat cause everyone hates him cause he's Boston Rob.. he's weak & out of shape, so he's easy to beat in challenges... i think he'll go far. i see him finishing 4th or 5th. i say this because usually the last challenge on Survivor is endurance and 9 times outta 10 a woman will win it and the majority of women on Survivor (minus Jenna M, Parvati & Stephenie) are pretty stupid and they'll stay loyal to their stereotypical college football player turned Survivor castaway that they're destined to lose against.. & lets be honest, he looks like shit & couldn't charm the panties off noone but Amber... but hey, you should never trust anyone from a town that doesn't know a vowel when they need one (look it up)..
I do think Rob will outlast Russell but its not because of skill.. its once again (like All Stars) based on ability & performance in the past...