that immunity challenge was kind of ridiculous. did the challenge department get a little lazy and decide "you know what, lets use the same challenge we used a few weeks ago only instead of using water we'll use balls." i don't like lazy challenges. we've seen a lot of new challenges this season and lets not stop with them now! (by the way my favorite challenge in Suvivor history is the touchy subjects challenge.. or that plate breaking challenge thing they do.. its a real eye opener and a game changer.. they should have that every season if they insist on doubling up on the same ones!!)
i loved that walking into the challenge the editing department did that little "ding" and twinkle in her eye... then again when she smiled at tribal. even without the effects i hear those dings and see those sparkles every time she comes across my screen. She's definitely calling the shots. Brenda will win this game unless someone wises up and gets rid of her. One can argue she's stupid like Jill (because Jill too is giving others credit for her actions - and i'll get to her in a minute) but unlike Jill, Brenda has the ability to back it up. Brenda doesn't just say "oh here's an idol. whats on the agenda today?" Brenda says "here's an idol. now here's the plan, go do this with it!" I will say, if Brenda is eliminated, the person res
"i don't even have to go looking for idols people just give them to me"... now now, lets not take credit for Brenda's dirty work. I think Brenda is the star of this show.. and the reason why i think that, she's letting Sash think he's calling the shots. Brenda is a black widow. I think he's gonna shoot himself in the foot tho if he's not careful. He's so confident and he likes to take credit for every move thats made... anyone whose watched Survivor before knows being a silent assassin (like Brenda) is far more rewarding than being the known leader (aint that right, Russell?) Sash wants the leadership role. & i think that leadership role will bite him in the ass if he makes it to the finals. (i still stand by the finale including Chase, Fabio & Brenda tho...)
Remember last week when i said she's so down home and so southern and she seems like the most sweetest kindest sincerest person ever.. well she just further proved that this week. she's just so motherly. i lost my mom at an early age but i'd like to imagine she would be similar to Holly. She makes you smile.... but at the same time she makes you (well me anyway) throw something at the TV! I get that momma bears do anything for their cubs and give up their whole world for their kids, but Holly.. these people aren't really your kids! don't give up a million dollars for them!! she says "Chase & Alina you've both called our camp home" and she's completely turned on the original Espada.. which honestly they were gonna vote he
"Na, like uh... toot" i think Benry's days in this game are numbered. We're seeing him be the star of the show a little too much as of late. He has a tight alliance with Invisib... uhh i mean Purple.. Kelly, Brenda, Chase, Na Onka, Fabio & Sash.. but i think he's on the bottom of the totem pole out of that group and when it becomes an individual game Jane & Dan's weakness are gonna overthrow Benry's strength.
"i want my cake and i want to eat it too!" whats the sense in having caking if you can't eat it, right? i agree with you Jane. i got your back on this one. I love her. I hope she wins. she won't but i hope she does. She's just a favorite of mine. If Holly's my mom, Jane's my granny. Who else on that island can catch fish, start a fire and cook it all by themselves? noone, thats who!
So if you didn't love Jane before (and how could you not??) i bet you do now. I hope there's a Jane on season 22.. and 23... and 24... and 25 etc etc. We don't have enough Jane's on Survivor.. or in the world. I'm so glad this season was separated old vs young tho or she wouldn't have stood a chance. so many models are recruited on this show and its a shame because its real people like Jane (and Sandy from Tocantins) that viewers tune into see and sometimes the odds just aren't in their favor. I'm glad she had a fighting chance. Maybe casting will realize how amazing she is and when casting the older crazy funny lady role in future installments they won't put her on a tribe full of 20 somethings who are there just for a tan and vacation and a little fame.
"He can't jump either!" now i love Dan. i do. i think he's great. i love that he can't even talk without having to stop for breath and take a nap mid sentence then he gets in front of Jeff at Tribal and says "no way, Jeff! i don't want to quit! i'm not weak! i'd much rather be here on this island starving than at home in one of my 6 houses!" he's so cocky. now
Na Onka:
and she's back! my bitchy Na is back! i'm so happy! i love her. Na Onka is one of my favorite cast members of ALL time. I've watched Survivor since i was 12 years old. i remember when it was originally on Wednesday nights, thats alot of years and a lot of Survivors and i have to say Na Onka ranks up there on my list as an all time favorite (Jane as well) but before i get more into it, i have to say she looked like a freakin warrior in that reward challenge!i love me a good villain. i don't want Na Onka to tame it down AT ALL.. but if she did tame it down and her and holly could meet in the middle. a combination of Na Onka & Holly.. (and by that i mean someone sweet, nurturing, but weary of everything) could be deadly in this game. Her & Holly need to team up. they probably won't. but they need to. and for what its worth, i'd much rather be the one that didn't know how to milk a cow than the one whose a pro at it..
So glad she's gone! SOOOO GLAD she's gone! i cant' stand people who can't think for themselves in this game. She had all the makings for a great survivor contestant. i don't fault casting for putting her on the show because they had no way of knowing she'd be a complete disappointment and failure. i mean she had all the fixings! she was like Thanksgiving dinner! she had it all.. and she just threw it out to the dogs. Marty being the dog in this case. She said "its either me or marty & marty has the idol"... why does marty have that idol, Jill?? oh you don't know? BECAUSE YOU'RE AN IDIOT! THATS WHY!!! i for one won't miss her. it was a long time coming.
i know i say it every week but he never ceases to amaze me with how absolutely ridiculous he is. I will give credit where credit is due and say that his ability to hold on to the idol and not play it was a smart one. like he said "if i use it now i'll just go home next" and he held out and it paid off.. like he said last night "if i don't give it to Sash i'll have to get rid of it and play it anyway, regardless i'm going home atleast this way i have a chance".. so i do give him credit for that. but this is a game where you have to swallow your pride. how he acted over Jane. he's such a little suckbaby. i just want to meet him personally so i can disagree with him. he clearly can't stand it when people call him out on his bullshit. he has control issues.... and people with control issues in an environment where the unexpected is the only thing to be expected makes for high quality entertainment!
well thats all folks. until next week... (when we see Na Onka causing chaos)
U know what! There is a possibility Holly may have aligned with some of them kids so I am thinking she is gonna be good post merge. Marty is playing too risky a game for my taste and I am thinking of calling him Morris The Cat for all of his 9 LIVES! lol I will definitely miss Jill and just wish she could have owned her game. Jane is dun and reminds me of Sandy lol can't wait to see what Nay does next week and see if Sash gets himself in deeper as he needs to know he cannot beat Bren. LOVED YOUR BLOG!!!