Now just in case you guys haven't read my past blogs (you should) Since I have been writing them, I've never been wrong with my first impressions!.. EVER. [I predicted Holly to be last the last of the old guys standing in Nicaragua, Parvati & Russell to make it to the end of HvV, Francesca to be the first out in S22.. just a few examples.. so who needs spoilers when you got the expertise of myself!]
There are red teams and blue teams (I'm sure the tribe names will be revealed later when the returning castaways are.. but for now I have to refer to them as Red & Blue.. but lets be honest you probably couldn't pronounce the tribe names anyway until you heard Jeff say them)
Basically, just know there's 16 of these guys, but I'll introduce you to the ones that matter.. and they are:

Whitney (Red Team)
- She's hot, young, athletic, southern... She's gonna have that southern drawl which will make her a stand out for the viewers, she's gonna have that country living experience which will make her not afraid to get her hands dirty, she's gonna have that beautiful girl - fun living personality which will make her fit in with all the girls, and will make all the guys love her. She kinda reminds me of Sydney from Tocantins... yes, down to the time of her elimination from the game. Her looks, personality, and attitude can only get her so far. If her tribe continuously loses, there's gonna be a time when they have no other choice to get rid of her. I predict she'll finish last before the merge, or first after.
Rick (Blue Team)
- He won the Sears online fan video auditions. He's 51 and looks like he was built for this show. He's the cookie cutter mold of what a Survivor should be. I don't think he'll last as long as he should tho. He's gonna fall victim to being the "old guy" He's gonna form his alliance with all these young athletic guys on his team and he's gonna have this wonderful plan to "school" them and show them how its done... They're all gonna be t

and her name is Mikayla.
Mikayla (Blue Team)
- A 21 year old Playboy cover model. Lets be honest, the girl couldn't survive a day in a tent by herself. But she's on a nationally syndicated television show being watched by millions and she's fame hungry, so she's gonna tough it out. She's in a bikini surrounded by men who are on a deserted island for 39 days. The women are gonna hate her, but that doesn't matter because the men are going to love her. She'll have them by the balls and have them eating out of her hand. She seems like she's going to be weak as crap at challenges, but she's gonna pull off some schemes that woul

Keith (Red Team)- Picture Fabio, only not as stupid. This is my take on him. He seems very naive and dependent. I expect him to have a strong alliance, and do well. He'll more than likely be edited to be the stand out of that alliance (ie. Fabio, Chase, JT) but lets be honest, he's only going to do well because he's unaware of whats going on and will just be floating by on what he's instructed to do.
Jim (Red Team)
- & we have our villain! Don't get too excited. He's not gonna be hardcore entertainment like Na Onka, an excellent strategist like Russell, or even a witty confessional like Courtney.. picture him more so a cross between the delusion of Coach & the annoying arrogance of Jean-Robert. He may have a couple people believe what he's telling them for the first couple of days, but he doesn't strike me as someo

Elyse (Red Team)
- Elyse is the red teams version of Mikayla. Whitney will be the little angel on the men's left shoulder and Elyse will be the devil on the right... and nice guys always finish last. Elyse is a stand out for me as an early favorite. She's definitely hell on heels and I for one can't wait to see what she's capable of. I don't expect her to be this excellent strategist or know a lot about the game of Survivor itself but I do expect she knows a lot about manipulating people into giving her what she wants. Its outwit, outplay, outlast... she may not be able to outplay in the challenges, but based on her looks and bio I would definitely say she's no stranger in the outwit department. However, because of this, expect her to go home mid jury. (picture Ami circa Vanuatu)
Sophie (Blue Team)
- Sophie has all the makings to do well in this game, but lets face it. She won't. She reminds me of Alina (Nicaragua). She knows the game, she'd be a great strategist, but she sucks at life. It doesn't matter how well you perform in challenges, you have to have the ability to fit in. She's a social outcast. The men won't connect her, the women will sit on the beach and talk about her behind her back. She'll go and cry in a confessional. She'll have the epiphany a few weeks in that she's smarter than her whole tribe combined but unfortunately won't have the numbers to be able to do anything about it. They'll be a whole episode dedicated to her struggle of whether or not she can pull it off, but ultimately she'll fail and will be sent packing.
*One to watch - John (Red Team)

My predictions for first out are:
Semhar (Red Team)
- As if the name Semhar doesn't explain it enough..

Dawn (Red Team)
- She's the only old lady on the cast. Older men can survive when there's an age gap because lets face it, men are better than women. Old men are either A:) Perverted or B:)Hilarious. Either way they're social. Old women are either A:) Bitchy or B:) sympathetic/motherly/annoying.. they don't fit in.. unless they're surrounded by other old women.
Edna (Blue Team)
- Who knew they still made people named Edna?.. She strikes me as the type of person who has built a life out of being different. She seems like she thinks she's better than everyone else, smarter than everyone else, and at the same time clueless to the game of Survivor. She may do well in challenges, but she won't do well at camp.
**but regardless of who goes home first, they always have the chance to come back (lame, i know)
Survivor: South Pacific's 90 minute premiere on Sept. 14th at 8pm on CBS
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