Thursday, April 8, 2010

"fist bump - thats right, girl." - Heroes vs Villains ep.8

yes, that was taken from Russell's facebook page, but i have to say, if i was as great as he was i would be a fan of myself too. (apparently he maxed out the number of friends required by Facebook & was forced to create a fan page).. go ahead, become a fan, admit it already, you love him. (you can add me also [because admit it you, you love me too!] at:

Probst asks the question did Russell's ego get them in a hole they can't get out of?? Listen Probst to quote him "I'm Russell Hantz! if you're not with me! you're against me!" Gabon, Tocantins, Samoa... when was the last time a winner had the numbers going into the merge. It has nothing to do with tribal numbers or tribal alliances. Yeah its great if you can win, it reduces the risk of you going home when you have to go to tribal, but if you're a great strategist, whats the big deal? & i think Russell has proven he's a great strategist. There is not a doubt in my mind Russell will be in the finale of Heroes vs Villains.

I commend the villains for bringing their camp. You can never assume anything in this game though, but I'm sure they'd rather pack it with them and take it back than not pack it to the challenge & leave without it.

Sandra. i've said many times i like her. she's feisty, but there's a difference in like & respect. I have a hard time respecting Sandra's game play. she's a coat tail rider. she openly admits she's a coat tail rider. She rode coattails in Pearl Islands & she's riding coat tails here in Samoa. its nothing new, many of them make the Final 2/3, we've even seen a few of them win.. But i think the difference in someone like Natalie White from Samoa & someone like Becky Lee from Cook Islands is, like Sandra, Natalie embraced her inner coat tail rider & didn't try to hide it. She said several times she would do what Russell told her to do.. and the difference in someone like Natalie & someone like Sandra, who both have won & both openly admit they ride coattails to get there is Natalie got lucky. she was quite content with going home 5th place. She said so herself, 5th was farther than she expected to go, so she was fine with it, she was going down with the band before she dared to stray away from her original alliance.. Although Sandra admits she has no strategy whatsoever other than to rely on that of others, she won't back down. If she's on the chopping block she'll atleast fight for herself, as long as its not her she doesn't care who she votes out! & she does not leave her fate in the hands of others, if she sees her alliance is in the minority she'll jump ship & latch on to someone else for a free ride to the finals, .. and thats what we seen her do tonight. & i have to say, i respect her a little more for it... more on her later tho..

Now i'm sure you're wondering how i can say i've never respected Sandra's game play yet i'm constantly praising a man, like Russell, who lies about natural disasters that resulted in the death of millions to further his game play, as i've said, this isn't church. this is Survivor, don't be acting like you all are praise the lord jesus savior amen, The Survivor finale has aired on Sunday nights for years now, if you cared that much you'd be in church, not at home on the couch with a bowl of popcorn, save it. There's a million dollars on the line, i'd do it too, and if you wouldn't... well thats you, but there's no way in hell i would go on national television, weeks without bathing & brushing my teeth just to be a pre-jury boot. I'm Michael, a former NYC fireman who lost my best friend in 9/11. My sister drowned in Katrina, I lost my brother in Tsunami in Thailand, my child was killed in a Haitian earthquake.. oh and i'm a pathological liar, except you didn't know me prior to this so you don't know about that lying part... ITS A MILLION DOLLARS PEOPLE!!

Rupert, the fab 5? really? Dear Rupert, now i'm sure Indianapolis is current with everything that goes on in the world (so why you've never discovered fluoride & shampoo is beyond me, but hey, luckily for you, this is Survivor so you fit in here) & you're the kinda guy who likes to "rescue" children and provide them a better environment to be in, a man like that surely has to be educated, right? You can't classify your tribe of misfit losers as "The Fab 5" what happens when you lose again? you're suddenly the fantastic 4? it doesn't work that way Rupert. You don't suck as bad as you all have, in challenges & strategy, then decide you want to up and call yourself the Fab 5!? I'm praying he's booted in the next couple of weeks. I can't stand him. I'd rather look at Amanda's little pouty crybaby face all the time. She might as well get "i'm a retard" tattooed on her forehead, maybe Jesse James will want to f-ck her then. I'm really not a fan of those two. I hope they're the next too boots. They annoy me to no end!

JT is an idiot! Yeah he probably saved himself and took some of the heat off of him by sharing it with everyone, but he should have stopped at Amanda. she's proven time and time again she can be easily persuaded and manipulated into anything and everything. He's an idiot. A complete idiot! He was great in Tocantins.. but as i've said before there's always the brawn & the brain, Stephen was definitely his brain. Whispering to Russ "hang in there" oh my God!! i LOVE it!! scratch that, LOVE is an understatement. there's not enough words in the english language at how that made me feel!!

Candice i wish she would have slapped Amanda. When they were sitting in the tent and she's telling her about JT. Amanda's like "yeah" totally oblivious to what the conversation was about. The look on her face when JT showed her found the idol, totally oblivious to the fact he wouldn't have told her if she hadn't coincidentally walked up on it. At the reward win when talking about the "all girls alliance" on the villains, did you catch Candice say "we'll find out who they're voting for" yeah, she's mistaken with the all girls alliance, however, IF there is one she's willing to use that to her advantage.. i'm telling ya'll Candice is a dark horse in this competition.

Jerri, Jerri, Jerri... you don't make a game changing move as big as one that you made only to regret it immediately after. I've watched you in 3 seasons. Personally other than eye candy & trying to flirt with Colby in questioning him about chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin (of course the guys gonna say Chocolate Chip!) I don't think you're very memorable from your game play more so than your bikini & cowboy hat (but hey the bikini & cowboy hat was enough to make me a fan!).. you did get the boot early in All Stars & were kinda screwed over, i'll give you that, but you've never done ANYTHING that makes me say "wow! this girl can win the game".. up until last week.. and now you're regretting it!?! pitiful. & what the hell was she wearing at Tribal Council?

well if the intent was to keep the tribe strong then voting out Coach was a GREAT move, because lets face it, he kinda sucks. 99% of the viewing audience hates Coach, & that 1% (Bren, thats you girl!) doesn't like him because he's great at challenges or even because he has a great strategy, because lets face it, he doesn't. Coach is liked by the few people who like him because he's eccentric. he's out there. he's the kinda guy that you say "seriously?" I recall Erinn from Tocantins saying once "WHO IS THIS GUY!" and i ask myself that every week when he appears on my tv screen. Courtney at tribal saying "you're a fricken lunatic" HE IS! he's a delusional lunatic. he lives in his own little world & its kinda weird. He's a 40 year old man, his behavior is REALLY REALLY odd!! But that kinda odd behavior is what makes him fun to watch, but i'm not gonna lie, he wasn't that fun and i'm glad he's gone. "Russell is a bully!" What Coach means to say is "Russell is Pat Benetar, and he just hit me with his best shot" (oh god, that was one of the greatest lines ever muttered during 20 seasons of Survivor.. Coach, Coach Coach.. see what i mean? who says that? WHO IS THIS GUY!) I go back to what i said at the start of the blog, this is Survivor! there is a million dollars on the line!

Danielle, now i can't knock her because she hasn't ever seen Russell play this game. She doesn't know what happens when you doubt him, but I mean she's been there since the beginning. Russell wanted Randy to go, Russell wanted Tyson to go, Russell wanted Rob to go... Danielle, you're a follower. You're IN an alliance with two of the greatest strategist to ever play this game, don't doubt them. She's like the silly little trix rabbit. Shut your mouth & go along with it! you're only here because no doubt 43 people before you declined! I'm sure she wants to prove to someone that she's worthy of being there, but she's not. We all know it, she just needs to accept it & stop talking. Stop trying to think for herself because its gonna get her nowhere.

Notice how in the reward challenge Sandra says "i'll do whatever you guys want me to do" She didn't feel like she was in any danger so she's agreeing to do whatever her tribe tells her! She realized she was on the chopping block when she got back to camp & what did she do? unlike Natalie, she didn't just sit back & say "i'm okay with going home" no, she jumped ship & found her way to weasel her way into the majority alliance. I have to give her credit tho, I knew she'd try but I didn't think it would be that easy for her. However, I don't think Sandra deserves ALL the praise for that move. Coach was in fact doubting it, & with JT's reaction, & Parvati's past, It wouldn't have took much for Russell to decide to vote out Coach on his own. yeah she pulled it off, but it wasn't any kind of huge feat like she would like to think it was.

Now the question is will Jerri stick with the alliance she was doubting? or team up with Courtney & Sandra (who are DEFINITELY after tonight, in the minority) ... see you next week! ... and boy oh boy based on the previews its gonna be a good one!!

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