Thursday, March 25, 2010

"you're way too good at wrapping weak minds around your finger" Heroes vs Villains ep 4 recap

okay, so again Tyson brought the greatest quotes ever! telling Coach to not practice his Thai Chi or tell his stories, oh lord that was the funniest thing ever!! i really like him, i dont think he'll last very long tho. i hope i'm wrong, but i dont see it happening. I've not seen any kind of relationship he's had with anyone. So i think he'll be screwed at TC. But Coach crying is the funniest thing ever! & Rob telling him to stop crying and be a man... umm, Rob, lets rewind two weeks ago.. Rob telling Coach to "act like a man" is about as convincing as Ross Mathews saying "man up!" But if Coach is gonna let a comment that Sandra made upset him that bad.. he's not prepared this time around. His days are numbered. Candice is definitely a threat in this game. she did awesome in the reward challenge. Danielle is desperate for a new boob job, i pray she wins enough money to fix those things. & what was up with that evil laugh after commercial break from the reward challenge? Sandra is calling the shots on the villains tribe. its pretty clear she's loud she doesn't care if she offends you and yet no one wants to get rid of her! she isn't even an option! she's never on anyone's radar. the guys are on ego trips on the villains tribe & i dont think they have their eyes on the right person. Rob, Coach & Russell need to worry about Sandra rather than each other. & to make it even worse SHE NEVER COMPETES! she sits out every immunity challenge! The heroes showed just how stupid they were by all going out and trying to find it together. how many people normally make up a merge/jury... like 12? i'm willing to bet it'll be a Tocantins repeat & maybe 3, if they're lucky, heroes will actually make it that far, however unlike Tocantins or Samoa they wont be smart enough to get the villains to turn on each other. I think Jeff Probst has a hard on for Boston Rob. he gives him praise a lot. saying he "stepped up" for his tribe.. how hard is it to be tied down in a ball? he didn't even have to do anything except say"left" or "right" the hard part was being blindfolded! it goes back to the big block puzzle from Tocantins they had to redo when Steph went home. Russell, Coach & every other guy on the villains tribe was lifting those blocks as well, yet Probst (or editing..) only praised Rob. Editing appears to be Boston Rob's friend, but i'm still not convinced he'll go far. Amanda is a retard. She's a retard! there's no other words to describe her. Cirie said it best "she's not the sharpest tool in the shed!" that look on her face when Cirie said "did you get the idol?" It sucks because Cirie is the only smart one on her tribe & unfortunately for her that makes her a threat. JT is another retard. JT will be an early boot as well. Jeff just asked "where is the philosophy of the tribe when it comes to voting people out".. that translates to "you all are stupid!" & JT saying "you gotta have people who are gonna stick to what they said to begin with" i guess he forgot about how he told Stephenie, Colby & Tom he wouldn't vote out Steph... these Heroes are the biggest bunch of retards i've ever seen & they deserve to lose... and they will. "social game is a distraction, james don't do that stuff"... james also hasn't even come close to winning in the two times he's played! They should change the name of this season to Villains vs Losers. no joke. If i didn't know any better no way in hell would i ever guess some of the heroes have played twice before because they know nothing about this game.
I cant wait for next week tho to see Rob act all badass like he can do something. You have Rob & Coach in an alliance. Jerri likes feeling sexy in the presence of Parvati so she'll stick with Coach. Parvati, Russell & Danielle are tight. Courtney is tight with Danielle & Parvati.. therefore she's tight with Russell.. Tyson is kind of on the outs, he may align with Coach.. but after tonights episode he seems more of wanting to remain in the game than remain close with Coach.. Sandra will go along with anything as long as its not her name being written down. & based on whats being shown, Russell's alliance has the numbers.. therefore they have Sandra. Rob & Coach are screwing themselves over targeting Russell, it won't happen. they don't have the ability to pull it off. Candice possibly swapping alliances next week... kinda makes me give a second thought to what i said about her being one to watch.. who knows.. i say Colby, Candice, Tyson & Rob are on the chopping block next week... simply because Tyson is on the outs, Rob thinks he's more powerful than he is, Colby & Tom seem on the outs of their tribe however Tom's a better strategist so i think he'll be safe.. but if Candice gives them a reason to target her it may very well be her.. who knows, we'll have to wait and see i guess! whats your thoughts?

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